For those new to gambling or simply just never heard of the term, bankroll refers to the total amount of money you have to wager before you simply cannot wager a single penny more.  Perhaps though, this message should be directed to all gamblers as we all know a few who decided to wager next months rent, put up money on a credit card, or sell their possessions in order to place a bet.

Wake up!

The problem is most people do not realize that your average gambler is going to lose.  Breaking down the numbers it takes exactly a 52.5% winning average on games in order for you to profit.  That is assuming every bet you make has a 10% juice and we know that is not always the case.  Many say you need approximately 55-56% to sustain a true profit.  But then again, at even a $100 a bet you are only cashing $25 at 52.5% and $550 at 55%.  That would mean you have wagered approximately $11,000 in order to win $25 or $550.  I know I know, at least you made money and spent the time having fun while winning right?  Keep fooling yourself and stop wasting your time.  See the chart below:            


So if all you need is 52.5% why on earth are people still losing money?  Part of this is because so many people play various amounts per play based upon their feeling or what someone says they are playing.  25 unit bomb!  50 unit play of the century!  The other factors are people who chase bets by doubling up their wagers to cancel previous losses, playing catch up from huge debt, or simply to get ahead quickly.

Now do not get me wrong, I understand that people like certain picks more than others, that we fear losing, and that we fear debt; but in gambling anything is possible.  As we said before, the key is consistency in riding out low times and knowing when to walk away.

In order to calculate what a unit represents we need to consider your bankroll.  What is the most amount of money you are able to lose without having to worry about paying bills?  For others, what is the most amount of money you are willing to risk that you can be able to pay or put down for all bets before you have nothing (Not recommended but represents many gamblers)?

Once you have determined the entire sum of money you have, you have established your entire bankroll that you should not wager more than for a time period (season, year, month).  Next we need to determine what your unit amounts will be per wager.

Unit Amounts

Some will say a unit should consist of 1-3% of your bankroll.  On a $1000 a unit would be $10-30.  For a $10,000 budget your unit would be $100-300.  So your first bet would be $10 x UNIT VALUE.  Let us take a look at both the Flat Betting System and the Cancellation System: 

               Flat Betting System

ONE.  1-3% means 1-3%.  It really is imperative you come up with the total amount of money you can risk each month.  In doing so, you are able to target what 1-3% really is and be able to sustain your gambling fun through rough stretches and ride high on winning streaks. 

Example 1
o   $1000 a month would give you $10-30 a unit
o   $500 a month would give you $5-15 a unit
o   $100 a month would give you $1-3 (not sure where you can place these bets)

Not the most glamorous idea when gambling but you have got to play smart.  Yes, I know you could follow one of those 25 unit wagers out there, win, and get up large.  But then again, you could also follow and lose two straight killing your bankroll and chance to win it back.

TWO.  When you should increase your wager?  When you have won twice as much as your budget then you can consider increasing your wagers.  I have heard many cappers waiting until later in the season when they have capped +100 units before increasing wager amount.  This makes complete sense as you now have twice the budget.  When you have twice your budget you can then double your original unit size as 1-3% has now changed in regards to your new bankroll.  When that doubles, you can then double your wager again. 

Just think about hitting +100 units and then doubling and hitting +100 units again.  $30 bet of a $1000 bankroll you would then move to $60

Doubling Up - $1000 bankroll/$30 bet
o   +100 units $2000 bankroll/$60 bet
o   +100 units $4000 bankroll/$120 bet
o   +100 units $8000 bankroll/ $240 bet
o   In time, your $30 wager could be $240 and have 8x your original bankroll
o   Patience and consistency is the key (not to mention straight winning!)

Cancellation System

ONE.  I would half my percentage of typical units (1-3% becomes 0.5-1.5%)  This is because we play a lot of games and do not want to over expose ourselves.  $1000 becomes $5-15 so a 5 unit bet would be $25-75.  $10,000 would be $50-150.  The largest I have had to bet on a game in a series was 9 units ($45-135 or $225-$675) on two games in a row with our series.  Can you stomach that?  Read on to see how I account for this and minimize large wagers.                                                   
TWO.  A series works because you can make a coup if you continue on until finishing the number line.  But, I say why continue on making huge wagers when you can get out with a slight profit or loss and just create a new line?  You will see how I minimize losses from bad series.  See the examples below:

                Example 1
o   1, 2, 3, 4
o   Lose -5.5 (4+1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
o   Win 6 (5+1) 2, 3, 4
o   Loss -6.6 (4+2) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
o   Win 8 (6+2) 3, 4, 5
o   -5.5 + 6 -6.6 + 8 = +1.9 unit profit
o   QUIT  and start new series 1, 2, 3, 4
o   If you were to continue the series your next wager would be 8 units (5+2) or 5 units if you decided to start a new series. 
o   I would still consider this a coup (completion) and another profitable day. 
o   If you lose the next bet you are losing only -5.5 and betting 6 units next versus 10 units if you lose the 7 unit bet.

Example 2
o   1, 2, 3, 4
o   Lose -5.5 (4+1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
o   Loss -6.6 (5+1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
o   Loss -7.7 (6+1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
o   Win 8 (7+1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
o   Win 8 (6+2) 3, 4
o   -5.5 – 6.6 – 7.7 + 8 + 8 = -3.8 units
o   QUIT and start new series:  16 units - 19.8 units = -3.8 units
o   You could continue on but 3 series of 8 unit bets or more could be disastrous.  
o   You could take your lumps, move on to a new series, and start all again with 5 units.
o   Even with a loss at -5 units would have you betting 6 units
o   If you had continued the line and lost, next bet would be 11 (8+3)

THREE.  You can always make your first wager in the series line as being the 1-3%.  For instance if 1-3% equals $20 then a 5 unit bet would be $20 ($20/5 = $4 a unit).  If you are to wager 6 units then it would be $24.  You do not have to bet $50 a unit or wager $250 on a 5 unit bet to be profitable.

Example 1
o   $50 = 5 unit wager
o   $50/5 = $10 a unit
o   7 unit bet = (7 x 10) = $70

Example 2
o   $100 = 5 unit wager
o   $100/5 = $20 a unit
o   7 unit bet = (7 x 20) = $140

FOUR.  Change up your line.  Worried about your wager becoming too high or not being able to pay off the debt from several losses?  Then stay away from simply series lines like 1, 2, 3, 4 as they move quickly towards doubling up unit size and will eat into your bankroll much quicker.  Instead use a series such as:
Example 1
o   0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 1.5, 1.5
o   1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3
o   1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3

These provide n opportunity to rise out several consecutive game losing streaks without getting you into much trouble with unit size and deb. 

1, 2, 3, 4
o   Lose -5.5 (4+1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
o   Loss -6.6 (5+1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
o   Loss -7.7 (6+1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
o   -5.5 – 6.6 – 7.7 = -19.8 units
o   Next 3 wagers are 8 units
o   Win 8 (7+1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
o   Win 8 (6+2) 3, 4, 5
o   Win 8 (5+3) 4
o   While not necessarily a bad thing we want to limit exposure
o   Take a look at a new series line to limit that exposure

1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3
o   Lose -4.4 (3+1) 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4
o   Loss -5.5 (4+1) 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5
o   Loss -6.6 (5+1) 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6
o   -4.4 - 5.5 – 6.6 = -16.5 units
o   Next wager is 7 units (6+1)
o   Win 7 (6+1) 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5
o   Win 6 (5+1) 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4
o   Win 5 (4+1) 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3
o   Note how we cancel out our debt in 3 games like the other series?
o   However see how we are progressively decreasing out unit size with this series and limiting our exposure with regards to our initial wager?
o   And, you could always stop after three wins and move to a new series

The trick is consistency in placing bets so that you do not go overboard on any one game.  Once you understand the importance of sticking to your limit it is time to start talking about defending your money.  Exactly what I said defending your money.  Are you still sticking money under mattress or putting it in a bank or other financial institute to make you more money?  Too many people throw money at games without strategy other than the fact they like the game and never think twice about budgeting.  Ever lose more than you wanted to in Vegas in a single day?    
Series Play

In addition to understanding sessions you need to understand series wagering.  When I go to Vegas and gamble I use several strategies for playing cards that can be used for sports betting as well and the most popular one is called series betting.   

Whenever you start your session you must understand that there are ups and downs in gambling and this is why series wagering comes into play.  I always assume that there are streaks in gambling not matter if you are playing cards or betting sports.  That being said, every time you win a game a new series is created.  The idea is be able to walk away from that series up.  The more series you win the more money you will have made.  There are two ideas on the series wagering:

1.  Streak Betting / Pull System
    • Consider the first bet until a win a new series
    • When you WIN leave the amount up for bet
      • Bet $25 WIN $25 Next bet $50
      • Bet $50 WIN Next bet will be $50; pocket $50
        • Worst case scenario is that you break even on next bet
      • Bet $50 WIN Next bet will be $50 or $75; pocket $25/$50
        • You should now have $75/$100 in the series
        • Regardless of next bet you have won $$$ this series
        • If I am winning I would press $75 and have pocketed $75
      • Bet $75 WIN Next bet will be $75 or $100; pocket $50 or $75
        • Streaks are nice to keep increasing wager
        • However, if you believe in playing safe just pull entire $75
        • Pocketed $200 by this time
      • Series like these make up for new series that lose initially
      • Note some people will never progress past 3-4 times their initial to limit the random chance of losing and maximizing profit for series
    • Should you lose 3-4 consecutive series (-$25, -$25, -$25,-$25) in a row you should consider simply walking away and calling this series a bust
    • By walking away you protect your bankroll and leave the remaining for another session
    • Ride out the bad streak and avoid getting emotional and pressing bets in bad situations

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